What is Hypochlorous acid and why should we use it ?

Living in the world that we do and with viruses like Covid-19 being part of our daily lives now, cleanliness is something we all had to think about! Sterilising, sanitizing and deep cleaning are now all part of our daily rituals. You know the drill. But often when we do all of these, we use products that are alcohol based or made from harsh chemicals that can be too hard on our skin and bodies as well as being unkind to the environment.  It is for these reasons that Hypochlorous acid is growing in popularity. What is that we hear you ask?

What exactly is Hypochlorous acid?

Hypochlorous acid is a substance that is created naturally within our bodies by our white blood cells. These cells help our bodies fight off and recover from injury, irritation and bacteria.

It is an all-round functional ingredient which is widely used in the food, healthcare and beauty industry as it packs a punch when it comes to killing harmful bacteria, fungi and viruses whilst also being non-toxic to humans.

What is Hypochlorous acid used for?

More commonly, Hypochlorous acid has been used as a disinfectant in hospitals. As well as being used as a non toxic alternative to bleach, it’s antimicrobial qualities make it perfect to be used during surgery to clean, hydrate and heal wounds. 

In varying strengths it can also be used topically and has therefore become a great way to aid healing of chronic inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and acne (including mask induced acne.)

In addition, a Hypochlorous Acid spray is also a great product to be used to help prevent and avoid skin infections caused by harmful bacteria growing on makeup and makeup brushes. 

Being that sprays such as Puromist are 100% organic, they are great for use on even the most sensitive skin.

Puromist spray is also used as post-cosmetic-aftercare-treatment as it assists with wound healing as well as keeping the skin/treated area clean, preventing skin infections.